How to pass arguments to thread

Posted by Grant6899 on December 4, 2017

Thread function must return void

The function used to initialize threads cannot retrun anything but void.

void partial_sum(int st, int ed, boost::uint64_t& total) {
	for (int i = st; i < ed; ++i) 
		total += i;

In the funciton above, partial_sum is adding the sum of [st, ed) on total.

Boost Reference need to be used with “&” in function head

However, only using boost::uint64_t& will not make your program work in the way expected. When initializing the thread, we need to add boost::ref() as well:

boost::thread t1(partial_sum, 0, 500000000,  boost::ref(sum_1));

Alternative way: pointer

Thread function definition:

void partial_sum(int st, int ed, boost::shared_ptr<boost::uint64_t> total) {
	for (int i = st; i < ed; ++i) 
		*total += i;

To initialize the thread:

auto sum_1 = boost::make_shared<boost::uint64_t>(0);
boost::thread t1(partial_sum, 0, 500000000,  sum_1);

After this function, *sum_1 will become the sum value.